Live Inbound Dashboard

The Live Inbound Dashboard is available to both Contact and Enterprise license holders and gives Admins and Supervisors the ability to monitor multiple agents within a team, calls, and call status. Located in the Analytics section of Genius, the Live Inbound Dashboard tab allows an administrator to filter their configured teams for monitoring and, if necessary, take action. 

  1. Log in to your AVOX account.
  2. Select the "Live" section located on the left-hand navigator
  3. Next, select the "Live Inbound" tab 
  4. Filter by Teams - You can filter by one or multiple teams up to a maximum limit of 10 teams at one time
  5. Save Default FIlter - Use the save function to save your filter criteria as default filters
  6. The team information presented includes the number of agents available per team, calls in progress, calls waiting, average wait time, and maximum wait time. 
  7. Admins can monitor agents' time on-call, time since the last call, and the number of pauses per day. 
  8. Admins have the ability to Pause or Logout agents, and also to Barge or Whisper on agents' calls. 

Genius Tip: Average and Maximum Wait Times are only for current waiting and active calls

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March 22nd, 2023


Andrew Guarnieri

Updated By:

Kay Senior



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live inbound dashboards, live team dashboards, live teams

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