Gather input

This widget can be used to collect single/multiple DTMF keypresses (user input) from the caller. It can be stored in a variable and referenced elsewhere in the flow for further processing.

How it works

  1. User is prompted to enter a string of digits. Eg - “Please enter your account id” or  “Please enter your account id terminated by # sign” 
  2.  User has x seconds to enter the input. If no input is provided by user a timeout prompt is played “We didn't get that, please try again.”
  3. Caller enters required information. Eg - 123456 or 12345#
  4. User input is captured in a variable defined in the flow. Eg - customerId
  5. This variable can be referenced elsewhere for further processing. (coming soon)
  6.  If user input has been captured by system the flow will be routed to “Valid Input” path, if no input is captured by system flow is routed to “No input”  path
  7. Customer Id entered by the caller can be viewed later in call journey (Activity> click on call record) for reference.


  1. Add “Gather input” widget from Widget library
  2. Use widget config panel to manage specific configurations - 
    1. You can prompt the caller to enter a string of digits. For example, a customer id
    2. You can allow the caller to enter specific number of digits optionally terminated by special character (* or #)
    3. You can play a message if no input is received from a caller after specific amount of time
    4. You can store the collected user input in a variable
  3. Configure the “Valid Input” and “No input” path
    1. Valid Input
      1. This represents that caller has entered digits and is successfully captured by the system; eg - 12345. 
      2. Caller must enter at least 1 digit for flow to go through this path
    2. No input 
      1. This represents that the caller did not enter any digits.


Field Name



Sample values


*Required Field

Friendly name for your Gather input widget.

Text input

Gather customer Id

Menu Prompt

*Required Field

Plays before awaiting user input.

You can select an existing audio file from the library, record a new audio or upload an existing file from your computer.


Play Times (Menu prompt)

*Required Field

The number of times the menu prompt will be looped back to/played  after waiting for user input [Wait time for user input] for x seconds. Set Play times to 0 to play it infinitely. 


2 (times)

Default - 1

Wait time for user input

*Required Field

The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the caller to enter digits after the menu prompt has played.

This value has to be >=1

Number of seconds

6 (seconds)

Default - 30 seconds

Maximum user input

*Required Field

The maximum number of digits the caller can enter that will be captured by the system.



Default - 10

Stop gathering on key press


This represents the terminating character for user input. Digits entered before this character will be captured by system.

Special character

# or *

Capture user input

Variable that will store caller’s user input. This can be referenced further in the flow by <variable_name>

Text input


Timeout Prompt


Plays before forwarding to the no input path.


Flow → 

Intro prompt > Menu Prompt > Wait time for user input >Timeout prompt

> Loop back to menu prompt as per menu prompt play times 

You can select an existing audio file from the library, record a new audio or upload an existing file from your computer.





Refer Step by step guide - Build a call flow for detailed  steps to create and publish a flow 


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December 12th, 2023


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Tasleem Rayali



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collect data, acquire information, gather opinions, api, webhook

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