Active Times/Time based Routing

Configure custom Date/Time groups for business hours, out of office hours, holidays, or other events to route your calls accordingly.


How it works

Time/Date widget routes calls to flow paths based on configured time groups - active times.

The time at which call arrives is matched with configured time groups sequentially and the call proceeds through the matched time group path.


For example, we have 3 time groups

  1. Business hours/Open hours - 9:00 AM to 5 PM [routed to] → Support Team
  2. After hours- 5PM to 8PM [routed to] → External number
  3. Else/Always active group  [routed to] → Voicemail

If a call arrives at 10 AM, call proceeds through business hours path

If a call arrives at 7 PM, call proceeds through After hours path

If a call arrives at 9 PM, call proceeds through “Else” - Always Active path as it doesn’t match any other time groups present.


  • Date/Time Widget - A date/time widget can consist of multiple time groups
  • Time Group - A time group can consists of multiple active times. A time group destination is chosen if call arrival time(current time) matches with any one of its active times
  • Else group - Always active- This group is present by default when you add a Date/Time widget. It represent always active time group and is chosen when none of the configured time groups matches the time at which call arrives


  1. Add “Time/Date” widget from widget library
  2. A “Else” - Always Active time group is always present along with  “Time/Date” widget. This group cannot be edited or deleted.
  3. Configure “Time/Date” widget using widget config panel
    1. Select a timezone from the dropdown
    2. Click on “+ Add Time Group”
      1. Group Name - Edit the group name as required. This name has to be unique.
      2. Active Times - Click on “+ Add Time” to add active times to time group. By default it's always active. Click on the the accordion to see details and modify time and date range as required. 
        1. Date - custom start date end date or All dates or use preset range “No End Date”
        2. Day of Week - custom Day of week (Su, M, Tu, W, Th, F, S)
        3. Time - Custom start time/End Time or or use preset range “All Day”
      3. Click on “+ Add Time” to add more Active times within the time group as required
    3. Click on “+ Add Time Group” to add more Time groups as required and continue from step 3b
    4. Each Time Group added has a sequential number tagged along. This represents the order in which the time group matching will be processed.
      1. To reorder the sequence of date/time group, click on the Time/Date widget and drag the time groups with help of  “drag dots” Drag handle dots 2 free vector icon - Iconbolt present at the beginning of each time group
  4. Add target destinations for configured time groups
  5. To delete Active times, click on the delete icon present in active time accordion in widget config panel. To delete a time group click on the delete button that appears on clicking the widget on the canvas.


Refer Step by step guide - Build a call flow for detailed  steps to create and publish a flow



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August 14th, 2023


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Tasleem Rayali



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time routing, active time

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