Using Flow Builder

How to get there?

Add widget

Click on add icon to choose appropriate widget from the widget library.

Configure widget

Clicking on the widget opens up the config panel on the right side of the flow canvas. Use the config panel to configure the widget. Learn more about widgets here.

Delete widget

To delete a widget, click on the delete button that appears on clicking the widget on canvas or hit the backspace/delete button. Please note this will perform a nested delete of all the descendant if present. Hold "CMD" key to select multiple steps and delete them together at once.

Flow Validation

To validate a flow, click on “Save Draft” or “Publish” button on the top right of the canvas

  1. If there are any configuration errors present it will -
    1. Show a error summary above the widget library - “X steps need attention”
    2. Highlight configuration errors in red
  2. Flow cannot be published till these errors are resolved. To fix these errors, click on the red highlighted configurations and make necessary changes as stated.
  3. Highlighted errors won’t disappear in real time when you fix them. To check if the flow is error free and is ready to publish click on save draft again to validate the flow.
  4. If there are no configuration errors, flow can successfully be published.
  5. NoteClicking on “Save Draft” will always save all changes made to the flow - with or without errors.

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March 14th, 2023


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Tasleem Rayali



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process automation, workflow builder

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