Flow Builder Terminology

Here's a list of common terms related to flows.

Flow canvas 

This is where you build your call flow. It consists of 

  • Name and status tag[Draft/Live] of the flow

  • Connected widgets forming a call flow

  • Widget library

  • Widget config panel on the right side 

  • Minimap on the bottom left corner

  • Actions to Save Draft, Publish flow and view published version of the flow


Widgets are components that are connected in particular manner to form a call flow. Various widgets are available to configure a flow - IVR, Team, SIP URI, User, External Number, Voicemail, End Flow. 

Widget Config Panel

Widget config panel consists of a list of associated fields to configure the widget. For example a IVR widget config panel consists of prompts, user input, etc. 

Draft view

The Draft view is identified by the [DRAFT] tag present beside the flow name on the top left corner.You can make changes to a flow in the draft mode. You can add/delete the widgets and edit the details in the config panel of associated widgets. You can save your progress by clicking on the “Save draft” button present on the top right corner. 

Live view

The Live view is identified by the [LIVE] tag present beside the flow name on the top left corner.

You cannot make changes to a flow in the live view. You can view the published date and time on the top right side. All the widgets and details in the config panel can be viewed in read only mode. In order make further changes to live version, you'll have to switch back to draft view.

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December 27th, 2022


Tasleem Rayali

Updated By:

Tasleem Rayali



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