AVOXI Release Notes: October 27, 2020

AVOXI Deployment Summary: NEW Queue Callback and enhancements to Scheduled Reports.

What's New

  • NEW Queue Callback: Using the Queue Callback feature customers no longer need to wait on hold until an agent becomes available.  This modern call queue management feature allows customers to request a call back from an agent without losing their place in the queue. Enable this feature using our step-by-step guide and learn more about its many benefits here


  • Scheduled Reports
    • Users with the correct permissions can edit a scheduled report, but the owner does not change.
    • Deleting a user from AVOXI will update any and all scheduled reports to no longer send to that user.
    • Supervisors can only edit or delete reports that they own.
  • Integrations: The Integration request form on the Integrations page has a new look so we can collect more information on integrations requested for contact centers.
  • CSVIncreased the CSV row limit to 3000 for reports with a table. For example, if you have a Disposition report with a very large number of rows, you can easily download it as a CSV and explore the data.
  • Audio Transcoding: The audio transcoding engine got a power boost to provide better call quality on all calls. 

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Updates are done weekly so check back often to see what's new. Please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com.

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March 27th, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Jon Ross



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scheduled reports, integrations, csv, audio transcoding, queue call back

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