Teams Summary Report

The Teams Summary dashboard is available to all Contact and Enterprise Genius License holders.  It gives Admins and Supervisors an overall view of all active teams and the ability to monitor each team's call activity.  Follow the below guide to view your Teams Summary.

  1. Log in to your Genius account
  2. Select the "Live" section located on the left-hand navigator
  3. Next, select the "Teams Summary" tab located on the top navigator
  4. Last Updated: Time which the summary page was last refreshed with live data
  5. Team Name: List of all active teams
  6. Agents Available: Number of available agents within a team
  7. Calls in Progress: Number of calls in progress within a  team
  8. Calls Waiting: Number of calls in a team queue
  9. Average Wait Time: Average time a call waits within a teams' queue
  10. Max Wait Time: Longest time a call was waiting in a teams' queue


Report Alignment

Total Talk Time may not align exactly with your bill for the month. This is expected, please refer to your bill for correct call durations in alignment with your billing increment.

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August 27th, 2024


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Curtis Foster



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team call activity, analytics

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