Do I require an AVOXI License to configure SIP Trunking? 

No.  This functionality is available to all AVOXI users (Licence and Virtual Number only customers).

Do I need specific Role Access to configure and manage SIP Trunking? 

By default, SIP Trunking is available to all Administrators and Supervisors.  

How many channels do I get per SIP Trunk? 

As per our Terms & Conditions “Up to 100 channels are included in service as standard capacity, higher capacity trunking is available please discuss with your Sales Agent.”

What are the minimum requirements?  

A single AVOXI Number is required to be able to receive incoming calls from the PSTN to the customer's communications infrastructure via the SIP Trunk. Voice calls – 150 kbps on download and upload per call (ie. If you have 3 agents on calls at the same time then you will need 450 kbps/0.44 Mbps for your calls on top of whatever is needed for your data traffic as well).

Will my outbound calls via the SIP Trunk show on the CDR Report? 

Yes, this will show where the call came from (call direction). 

What will I be charged? 

All new Sip Trunks configured via AVOXI online platform will be billed the monthly recurring charge of $19.99. Also, you will be charged usage fees based on the applicable terminating rates.

Will outbound calls record?  

Yes but only if your call recording is turned on at an Organizational level. If a SIP Trunk is deleted this will not auto-delete the call recordings as these are not associated with the number.

Where do I set my Outbound Caller ID? 

The outbound caller ID needs to be set on your PABX in E164 format.  AVOXI will process the call without altering the CLI/Caller ID.

Does AVOXI support TLS?

Yes, but only on our AVOXI Genius platform.   TLS only allows SIP entities to authenticate servers to which they are adjacent.  Establishing a TLS connection authenticates both transport endpoints but does not authenticate the SIP messages flowing through the link.  Learn more here! 


Yes, but only on our AVOXI Genius platform. If configured, both TLS and SRTP are used to encrypt calls between you and AVOXI. TLS/SRTP can be used for both inbound and outbound voice services (Originating and Terminating).  By default we use DTLS, however, SDES and RTP can be selected during the configuration process.

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June 7th, 2023


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Jeff Cook



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avoxi faq, sip trunking

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