How to view call logs at a number level

All inbound calls made through the AVOXI platform can be viewed at a number level under the Call Logs section of your AVOXI dashboard. This gives Admins the ability to view Agents Queue Activity using enhanced search filters such as date range, user, and call status. 

Follow the below guide to access your Call Logs:

  • First login to your AVOXI platform as an Admin (1)
  • Select the "Numbers" section located on the left-side navigation bar (2)
  • On the numbers homepage, select the number you wish to view the "Call Details" on (3)
  • On the "Numbers" profile page select the "Call Logs" tab located under the number at the top of the screen (4)
  • You can now filter and view Call / Queue Activity related to the selected number, using the below search criteria (5):
    • Date Range: Filter call activity reports by date and time range
    • User: Using the drop-down you can filter by user.
    • Direction: Use the call direction to filter by an inbound, outbound, or internal call.
    • Call Status: Select the call status to filter your report by answered, unanswered, or voicemail calls.
    • Min Duration: Enter a minimum duration.
    • Caller ID: Enter a call ID to filter only calls with that caller ID.
  • When ready, select the "Search" button (6)
  • Select the 3 dots to download your report to a CSV file (7) (Please note a CSV file is currently limited to a maximum of 1000 rows).

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October 25th, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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call details, call logs, download call logs, csv

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