Porting International Numbers

International porting may take longer than porting a number to a local service provider. However, there are several things you can do to effectively impact the process and get it moving swiftly, so you can connect with your audience even faster.

  1. Confirm your number is portable. Some service providers may have a contract clause that numbers purchased are not mobile, or the account must remain with the provider for a specific period before porting. Check with your provider to ensure your number is portable and you’re not obligated to continue your contract.
  2. Stay with the current provider until porting is complete. Don’t cancel on your provider just yet. Wait for the go-ahead from your new one before scrubbing the old one. If removed prematurely, you could risk losing your phone number altogether and extending the processing time even more.
  3. Obtain an invoice copy. Your phone invoice contains all the essential information a new provider needs to process your porting request. In addition, the statement contains several vital details your new provider may ask to see, including a customer ID number, phone numbers associated with your account, usage history, and service and billing address.
  4. Begin the conversation. Once the invoice copy has been obtained, you can begin discussing with the new provider about your interest in porting international business numbers. You might need to fill out a digital pre-requisite form before speaking to a representative.
  5. Sign and Send a Letter of Authorization. Next, you must complete, sign, and send a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to your new provider. When they’ve received it, along with any other required documents, the carrier will initiate the porting process and reach out to your current provider. It can take days to complete, especially if the number is a landline, mobile, or virtual number.
  6. Test it. When your provider has successfully transferred your number on their network, try a few inbound and outbound test calls to ensure the connection and quality are up to your expectations. Be sure to contact your account manager or support team for any service issues.

Alternatively, view our informative Number Porting Guide to learn more about how number porting works.

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July 12th, 2023


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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phone migration, global calling

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