AVOXI Release Notes: March 23, 2021

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  This week we released a new Local Number Format, enhanced Webphone Notifications, and adjustments to the Teams Configuration and Cashboard.

What's New

NEW Local Number Format

AVOXI Virtual Numbers are displayed within the AVOXI platform in E.164 number format. For domestic inbound calling to an AVOXI number, a new “Local Number format” is now available on the main Numbers page. Learn more about Number formatting and calling an AVOXI number.


Teams Dashboard

The Teams dashboard was enhanced to show the percentage breakdowns for answered, unanswered, and abandoned calls. This gives a quick view into your contact center inbound calls and abandoned/answered service level.


  • Teams Configuration: Fixed an issue where changing Team configuration like queue callback setting can cause the timeout duration value to be erased. A side effect of this is that callers cannot leave a voicemail for that Team. With this fix, you are all set to try out new features like Queue Callback in Teams without any problems.
  • Flashing Modal: A fix for isolated incidents where the agent status timeline hovers modal was flashing. 
  • Stuck Calls: Fixed an issue where a user that disconnected while a call was ringing could be stuck in the ringing status.

Coming Soon

SIP Forwarding 

SIP forwarding gives Genius Admins the ability to forward incoming calls to your AVOXI virtual number to a SIP address or PBX.  Just like a toll-free number can be forwarded to a landline or mobile telephone, it can also be forwarded to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), also referred to as SIP.  Forwarding to SIP works the same as call forwarding in that you can forward calls based on a specific action or preset rules configured via your Genius online portal.  

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.  Updates are done weekly so check back often to see what's new.  Please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com 

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March 27th, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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