AVOXI Release Notes: October 21, 2020

AVOXI Deployment Summary: NEW AVOXI-ServiceNow Integration and enhancements to CSV file download capabilities.

What's New

NEW ServiceNow Integration

  • Avoxi-ServiceNow integration combines the power of AVOXI calling with service ticket management. Display contact match to agents as they make and receive calls, log all call activity in ServiceNow tickets for a unified customer journey view and easily allow agents to toggle between cases and call controls with a quick link within the AVOXI webphone. Learn more!


Downloading a CSV File

  • When downloading a CSV file on Windows computers from Activity or Analytics pages, the downloaded file was missing the .csv extension. This has been fixed → User can now easily download call records from the Activity pages, and contact center reports from the Analytics section as CSV files - on both Windows and Mac.


Abandoned Call Fix

  • In some scenarios, if an agent declines or does not answer a Teams call then the call would be marked as abandoned. This has been fixed so that the call routing logic is followed and the call can route to other available agents/fallback rules.

Call Recording Playback Button

  • The call recording playback button from the Activity pages has been fixed and repositioned, so it plays the call recording perfectly and is aligned well in the call detail tables.

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Updates are done weekly so check back often to see what's new. Please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com.

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March 27th, 2022


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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servicenow, downloading csv, call recording playback button, abandon call fix

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