Why You Shouldn't Open AVOXI In More Than 2 Tabs

AVOXI does not allow for multiple tabs to be open at the same time. Doing so may lead to data and web phone issues. Once you open a second tab for your AVOXI login, your status will be automatically changed to Offline. Use the below steps to resolve this:

  1. Close any additional tabs and keep only one open. 
  2. On that tab, log out and back in. 
  3. Your status will be set to Available by default.

If you need to be logged into multiple accounts at once, we advise you to use separate browsers or an incognito browser. You can log into one account using one browser, and then use a different browser or an incognito browser to log into the other account.

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January 22nd, 2024


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Kay Senior



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