User Permissions

Role-based access (RBAC) limits a user's access to certain areas and actions based on the user permissions contained in their user role. 

Administrators can create custom roles or update existing roles by assigning the desired permissions. 

Permissions can have the following levels of access, not all will be applicable to all permissions:

  • View
  • Create
  • Modify

Below is a list of the available permissions and their function.

General Settings

Permission Description
Integrations Provides access to Manage Integrations where you can set up and view integrations with other applications.
Users Provides access to Manage Users that contains all users set up in Genius and allows updates of these user's settings. Also allows access to manage the different Roles in an organization and by extension the permissions of those Roles.
Numbers Management Provides access to the Numbers, Orders, and Voicemail Greetings pages where numbers can be added, ported, and managed. Orders shows all current and past orders along with any pending actions and current status. Voicemail Greetings allows management of voicemail greetings for all numbers across Genius.
SIP Trunks Provides access to the SIP URIs and SIP Trunks pages. SIP URIs allows for configuration of SIP URIs for inbound call traffic. SIP Trunks allows for configuration of SIP Trunks for outbound call traffic.
Teams Provides access to the Teams page where Teams and their associated membership and settings can be managed.
Flow Builder Provides access to the Flow Builder page with the ability to create and manage all flows.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Provides permissions to set up MFA for your organization and choose which MFA settings to support.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Exemption Provides an exemption to MFA policies for a given role.
Billing Provides access to the Billing tab and ability to make Payments to AVOXI, along with seeing Invoices and setting up Billing Groups.
Company Subscriptions Enables management of costs including updating recording rules, retrieving recordings, managing plans and other add-ons (SMS and quality)
Documents Management Allows the user to upload and manage documents within Genius such as uploading documents for new Number orders.
Limited Team Activity Authorizes Agents to see the Team Activity page, filtered to only their user so they can see their own Team Calls.
Live Team Stats Authorizes visibility to the Live Teams where users can view the current status of all members of selected teams along with key active call information.
Attendant (IVR) Provides the ability to access and manage any IVRs in your instance of Genius.
Mobile App Access Provides the ability for the user to access Genius via the Genius Mobile App
Mobile App Settings Provides the ability for the user to access the Settings in the Genius Mobile App
Number Testing Enables Number Testing controls from the Numbers page to start tests and view prior test logs
Support Cases Provides the ability to create Support cases w
Security Settings Grants access to the Security Controls where a user can manage Password Reset Settings
Company Account Permits access to the Company Account tab from Home which provides visibility into key company details such as address, primary contact, and billing contact
Alerts Authorizes visibility and modification of system Alerts
Data Center Allows users to change the Data Center for a number, user, or from their webphone


Analytics and Reporting Settings

Permission Description
My Activity Allows the user to see My Activity including all of their calls (does not include Team calls)
Company Activity Allows the user to see Company Activity including all of the calls from all users across the Company
Limited Team Activity Allows the user to see Team Activity limited to only the team calls that they have handled
Team Activity Allows the user to see Team Activity including all of the calls on the Team(s) they have access to (see Limited Team Activity for a restricted view into Team Activity)
Call Insights Activity Allows the user to see all calls with a focus on call quality metrics (e.g. Duration, MOS, Packet Loss, Jitter)
SMS Activity Allows the user to see all SMS messages
Quality Management Allows the user to rate the call quality at the end of a call
Teams Report Allows the user to see the Teams report showing Call Distributions and Service Level metrics for Teams
Agents Report Allows the user to see the Agents report showing Agent details such as call time, status timelines, and logs
Dispositions Report Allows the user to see the Dispositions report showing call Dispositions and Disposition details
Numbers Report Allows the user to see the Numbers report which shows Phone number metrics and details
IVR Report Allows the user to see the IVR report showing individual IVR summary with call details and selection metrics
Snapshot Report Allows the user to see the Snapshot report which shows answered calls by Teams and Agents with Agent time to answer details
Scheduled Reports Allows the user to schedule reports in a variety of places in Genius 
Live Dashboards Allows the user to see the Live Dashboards and view live Genius data
Teams Summary Allows the user to see Live Team Summary information across all teams
Advanced Reporting Allows the user to see Advanced Reporting which contains team call status by Number and team call status by Team
Call Insights Analytics Allows the user to see the Call Insights report showing MOS, Jitter, and Packet Loss metrics for all answered calls
Number Testing Analytics Allows the user to see the Number Testing report which shows number connectivity metrics and trends
Transfer Report Allows the user to see the Transfer report which shows transfer metrics and details


User Settings

Permission Description
My Account Provides access to the My Account page which contains the basic user details and settings such as password reset, activation, MFA, extension, caller ID, and Data Center
Auto Answer Enables the user to change the auto-answer setting in the Webphone
Outbound Calling Enables outbound calling for the user
Access Call Recordings Allows the user to access call recordings for their calls
Share Call Logs Allows the user to share call logs for their calls
Share Call Recordings Allows the user to share call recordings for their calls
Outbound Call Disposition Configuration Allows the user to change disposition options for outbound calls
Inbound Call Disposition Configuration Allows the user to change disposition options for inbound calls
Call Waiting Allows the user to enable/disable their call waiting


User Management

This section is used to grant permissions on which other roles this role can manage. You can use this to set up a User Administrator who can assign roles to users without getting other User Management permissions (such as editing name, email, etc…).

Permission Interactions

It is important to note that the top 2 permissions in the table below (User Profile and Roles) work together with the below Manage Role permissions.

If you give a role the ability to Modify User Profile, and then you also give them the modify Manage Role - Agent permission, then that role will be able to modify the User Profile for Agents and only Agents. 

This is to allow you to create new roles that can modify only some users - such as a Support Desk Admin which can manage your Agents and Supervisors but cannot update the Administrators within Genius.

Permission Description
User Profile

Allows the user to update profiles of the selected roles below. Profile includes information such as name, email, license, default agent status, etc…

Note: MUST have some of the roles below selected (e.g. Manage Role - Agent, Manage Role - Supervisor, etc..) to allow you to manage the profiles for those roles.

Roles Allows the user to create, update, and modify permissions on roles
Manage Role - Limited Agent Allows the user to assign the role of Limited Agent to other users
Manage Role - Inbound Agent Allows the user to assign the role of Inbound Agent to other users
Manage Role - Agent Allows the user to assign the role of Agent to other users
Manage Role - Billing Admin Allows the user to assign the role of Billing Admin to other users
Manage Role - Supervisor Allows the user to assign the role of Supervisor to other users
Manage Role - Admin Allows the user to assign the role of Admin to other users
Manage Role - Custom Allows the user to assign custom roles to other users

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July 3rd, 2024


Kay Senior

Updated By:

Curtis Foster



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rights management, access control, user permissions, permissions, roles

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