Freshdesk Integration Data Sheet

Streamline your customer conversations by allowing your support teams to pair AVOXI's contact center solution with an industry-leading support platform, Freshdesk. Our latest help desk integration allows you to automate repetitive tasks to save time, increase agent visibility across customer data points to better tailor customer conversations, and best of all - you can be connected in minutes!

Complete Customer Profiles on Every Call

Automatically display important caller details from Freshdesk to your AVOXI webphone for calls with a matching Freshdesk caller-id. Customize layouts to display the details that are most relevant for your team.

Save Time and Increase Team Productivity

Once a call is completed, AVOXI will automatically log your agent activity into Freshdesk, avoiding data entry mistakes and allowing the team to spend more of their time on what's most important - your customer.

Improve Collaboration and Resolve Issues Faster

Important details about agent conversations as well as a link to the call recording are included on every ticket so you can easily access and review first-hand details related to the customer call, and share with other members of your team.

See our Freshdesk integration in action today. Learn more

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July 12th, 2021


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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freshdesk, freshdesk crm, freshdesk crm integration, crm

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