Agent Details Report

Available to all AVOXI License holders, AVOXI Admins and Supervisors can view the analytics for specific Agents. This allows them to understand key details about the Agent's performance. This report can also allow an Agent to view their own analytics to better understand how their Supervisors are evaluating their performance.

How Supervisors and Admins can access the Agent Details report:

  1. Select the "Analytics" section located on the left-hand side of the navigation.
  2. Click the "Agent Summary" box


  1. Scroll down to the Agents table and click on the name of any Agent to open their Agent Details report


How Agents can access their My Agent Details report:

  1. Select the "Analytics" option located on the left-hand side of the navigation.
  2. Click on the My Agent Details Report


Permissions Needed

If you would like an Agent to see their My Agent Details Report, you will need to update their Role in Users → Roles to add the My Agent Details Report - View permission. See screenshot below for where this is located.

Once you have provided this permission, the Agent will now see the Analytics option in the left-hand navigation sidebar



How to use filters in the Agent Details report:

  1. Date and Timezone
    • Use the date picker in the top right corner to select the desired date range.
    • By default, the dashboard will use your account Timezone and will show metrics for Today
    • Using the shortcuts to select the time interval 
  1. Filter by one or multiple teams to show information for the Agent's call from only those teams
    1. NOTE: Team calls are inbound calls that come to the specified team(s). If you filter on one or more teams, internal calls and outbound calls will not be included since those are not team calls. 
  2. [If Billing Groups are enabled] Filter by a Billing Group to see only information for that Billing Group

Your dashboard will automatically update based on your filter criteria


Agent Detail Report Metrics

The Agent Details report provides a complete view of a given Agents activity within Genius for the selected Agent. It can be easily filtered by Team and Timeframes. 


This section will show you who the Agent is, their role, when their user was created in Genius, and a few key metrics including:

  • Rating
    • Populated by having calls rated by Supervisors
  • First Online Time - The first time the Agent was logged in for the day you are filtering on
    • Note: This only displays when you are viewing a single day. If you are looking at more than one day then this metric will not display any values
  • Last Online Time - The last time the Agent was seen online or last time the Agent logged out for the day you are filtering on 
    • This only displays when you are viewing a single day. If you are looking at more than one day then this metric will not display any values
  • Total Productive - How much time the Agent spent online and on calls
  • Total Paused - How much time the Agent spent in a Paused status (e.g. On a Break, Answering Dispositions, etc…)
  • Total Offline - How much time the Agent spent offline
  • Total Events - How many events the agent experienced during this time period, split between Answered and Unanswered
    • Note: an Event is defined as an individual ring event. So a single call if routed to the same Agent multiple times could cause more than 1 event if an Agent does not answer that call. This means the number of Events shown here, and the number of Calls shown in other reports may not always match.
  • Avg Talk Time - The average (mean) time the Agent spent on calls
  • Total Talk Time - The total (sum) time the Agent spent on calls

First Online Time / Last Online Time

Caution: First Online Time / Last Online Time are subject to your users logging in and logging out of Genius. Please encourage your users to log out at the end of their shifts and close Genius in their web browsers. It may also help to set a shorter timeout in your system so your users will be automatically logged out after a certain period of time.

For example: if a user does not log out of Genius and leaves their computer open, they may be online for much later than their shift would indicate. If they close their computer (or put it to sleep) when the computer wakes if Genius is still open it will attempt to reconnect and may show the Agent coming briefly online in the middle of the night.



Team Events

Any time an Agent was rung by a team call. A team event is any time a call was routed through a team to this Agent, excludes outbound and internal calls.

  • Answered Team Events
  • Unanswered Team Events
  • Team Avg Time to Answer
  • Team Total Talk Time

Direct Events

Any time an Agent was directly rung, or called out to an external number.

  • Inbound Direct Events
  • Outbound Direct Events
  • Inbound Total Talk Time
  • Outbound Total Talk Time

Agent Status Timeline

Shows up to 1 week, with each day showing how much time the Agent spent in each status. If you're filtering on more than 1 week of days, you will see a selector here that you can use to switch between the different weeks. You can zoom in/out on this view with your mouse wheel to see smaller windows of time, or you can look below in the Agent Status Logs for a detailed view of all events with this Agent.

Agent Status Logs

Contains every status change event for this Agent, including ringing, busy (on a call), any pause statuses, available, and offline. You can filter this table by using the search button in the top-right, or the quick filters to filter down to any particular status. You can also change the sort order by clicking on the header of any given column.


Report Alignment

The Agent Report may not align with other reports. Because this report focuses on Agent and Agent actions, metrics like # of calls may not align with other reports due to certain actions happening multiple times per call to Agents.

Also, Total Talk Time may not align exactly with your bill for the month. This is expected, please refer to your bill for correct call durations in alignment with your billing increment.




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November 4th, 2024


Curtis Foster

Updated By:

Curtis Foster



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agent, report, analytics

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