AVOXI Release Notes: July 12, 2021

AVOXI Deployment Summary:  This week we released Priority Routing

What's New

Priority Routing is an Enterprise feature that allows certain calls to be prioritized above other calls in a queue.  When a call is tagged as a 'VIP' call, it will automatically be placed ahead of any other non-VIP calls in the queue.  This allows for particular priority calls to experience a shortened wait time by routing the calls to the next available agent ahead of other non-priority calls.  Use our self-help user guide to learn more

Coming Soon 

SIP Trunking 

Our highly reliable and scalable SIP trunking solution was designed to meet the unique communications needs of customers around the globe.  Available to all AVOXI users, at no additional cost this feature, this feature gives users the ability to enable outbound calling to any destination around the world. For more information on becoming a Beta Customer please reach out to our Product Team.

API ~ Numbers

AVOXI's API (Application Programming Interface), gives AVOXI Genius Wholesale Partners the ability to automatically order and configure AVOXI phone numbers with instant access to local, national, mobile, toll free and TrueLocal numbers in over 170 countries.

Simple to access and use, users can easily browse available inventory and add individual or multiple numbers directly through their customer platform/portal.

Release notes include new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.  Updates are done weekly so check back often to see what's new.  Please forward product suggestions to product@avoxi.com

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October 13th, 2021


Louise Ross

Updated By:

Louise Ross



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